ISBN 978-1-77636-116-8
This book was not initiated with an idea to write, but rather, it sprang from
an expectancy and a desire, grown over the past 30 years, that Africa
would mature into the pure destiny of its Creator: for the African people to
become a Light in a dark world.
The book has slowly grown in my heart - from years of visiting many African countries,
meeting many of God's people and the reality of being exposed to the many needs
in North, East, Central and Southern Africa (I'm still looking forward to being
exposed to what God is doing in West Africa).
Every statistic and index in the world states that Sub-Saharan Africa (or the
people beyond the rivers of Ethiopia) are in difficulty/trouble/danger etc.
Yes, and we cannot reason with the statistics, only with the instruments
that are being used. I hope that this book will share a glimpse into things
that cannot be measured by indices, or are rarely heard of in the mass
Africa is a simple place, with so much beauty reflected in that simplicity.